So how do we pray in our Prayer Vigil?
1) Plan on an extended time- have a Bible beside you, a prayer list/journal- or computer beside you (you can access our church web page and church prayer list that way). You may want to make sure you have access to a cup of water or coffee. Tell your family/friends you will be unavailable for about 15 minutes.
2) Posture and Place- Change your posture. You may want to stand, kneel, sit, open or close your eyes- fold or raise your hands for variety. Pick a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.
3) Prayer- think about ACTS- Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication.
Adoration- consider praying over the names of God- or the attributes of God.
Confession- use the Ten Commandments and confess each one. Read Psalm 51
Thanksgiving- Make a list of things you want to thank God for in your prayer journal .
Supplication- use the prayer requests in the prayer page- and add your own.
Pray for family, friends, neighbors, church needs (like stewardship campaign and building new building). Pray for yourself- how you might grow physically, spiritually, mentally, and socially.
If you work your way through this- you may find that 15 minutes is not enough.
Here is a link on why have prayer vigils.
Friday, November 1, 2013
11/2/13- Keep Praying!
Note: We are postponing the prayer walk until the ground breaking of the new building.
Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. 2 He said: “In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought. 3 And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, ‘Grant me justice against my adversary.’
4 “For some time he refused. But finally he said to himself, ‘Even though I don’t fear God or care what people think, 5 yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won’t eventually come and attack me!’”
6 And the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says. 7 And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off?
(Luke 18:1-7)
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
10/31/13- Prayer for the Least, the Last and the Lost
Prayers for Church around the World The Persecuted Church; The Poor, The Oppressed, The Lost
Don't forget our Prayer Vigil Saturday- Sunday.
Sign up Here
We also will have a big meeting in the Fellowship Hall during Sunday School hour to close out the thirty days.
Here is a Youtube video Tracie made to encourage you in the Vigil
Here is a video on "The Legacy of Prayer"
Don't forget our Prayer Vigil Saturday- Sunday.
Sign up Here
We also will have a big meeting in the Fellowship Hall during Sunday School hour to close out the thirty days.
Here is a Youtube video Tracie made to encourage you in the Vigil
Here is a video on "The Legacy of Prayer"
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because treat is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. (Mt. 5:10-12)
The angel answered, “Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a memorial offering before God. (Acts 10:4)
Brothers and sisters, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for the Israelites is that they may be saved. (Romans 10:1).
This is the last day of our Thirty Days in Prayer, It ends with praying for the church. When we think of the persecuted church we realize how blessed we are in America. Just the talk of losing our freedom bristles us. But the Christians in Nigeria and Egypt are having their churches blown up.
This weekend we are called to prayer for the persecuted church. See this article in Christianity Today (click here).
We are called to care for the least, the last, and the lost. Those who are mentally, physically, and spiritually needy. One of the simple and even most effective things we can do is pray for those in need. We may not be able to give much away, or to spend time working- but the very first step toward helping- and a step we can all take is to pray for those in need.
Here are some things we can do to pray for these in need.
1) Read of those in Nigeria, Egypt, Sudan and other lands who are persecuted (click here for a map and link). Take a map and pray for those in need.
2) Pack a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child (dedication 11/17). Say a prayer for those who will receive the gifts.
3) Make a top three list of those you know who do not profess or practice the faith. Put this list on a post it note- or your phone- a visible place where you can pray for those in need. Paul prayed for the salvation of those who were the lost sheep of Israel. Jesus wept over Jerusalem who would not come to him, and prayed, "Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing." Certainly, we do not need to look hard to see people in gangs, addicted to drugs or alcohol, addicted to lust, who are shallow and practicing self-destructive and God-forsaken behavior. But all of us need God's grace, hope, and love. Prayer especially for those severely lost and wandering has to be a blessing.
Prayer: Lord, Give me grace to pray for the least, the last, and the lost today. Incline your ear and answer me, O Lord, for I too am poor and needy. (Psalm 86:1,2)
International Justice Missions has Presbyterian roots and is endorsed by the Fellowship of Presbyterians. It focuses on injustices around the world. Some hit home- including human trafficking that occurs in South Carolina.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
10/30/13- Praying for Church and State
Prayers for our
Community and Those We Serve
For our Denomination and the Fellowship
For our Country and Its Leaders
I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. (1 Timothy 2:1,2)
Here are some ideas to help you pray for these things:
For Trinity Presbytery- Danny Murphy, Jim Rowell; Moderator Joanne Scotland
For our Country and Its Leaders-
For our Denomination and the Fellowship
For our Country and Its Leaders
I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. (1 Timothy 2:1,2)
Here are some ideas to help you pray for these things:
Prayers for our Community and Those We
Serve- Chapin, Irmo, Little Mountain; Lexington and Richland County;
Mayor: Stanley Shealy, Troy Crump- Police ChiefCounty Council: Jim Kinard (chair), Frank Townsend, Smokey Davis, Billy Derrick, Johnny Jeffcoat, Bobby Keisler, Debra Summers, Bill Banning, Brad Matthews, Todd Cullum, Johnny Jeffcoat School Board: Ellen Baumgardner, Robert Gantt, Jan Hammond, Carol Sloop, Ed White, Kim Murphy, Jim Turner, Beth Hutchison- Watson,Local Law Enforcement: Police- Dave Rodgers; Sherriff: James Metts; Ronnie Lott
Mayor: Stanley Shealy, Troy Crump- Police ChiefCounty Council: Jim Kinard (chair), Frank Townsend, Smokey Davis, Billy Derrick, Johnny Jeffcoat, Bobby Keisler, Debra Summers, Bill Banning, Brad Matthews, Todd Cullum, Johnny Jeffcoat School Board: Ellen Baumgardner, Robert Gantt, Jan Hammond, Carol Sloop, Ed White, Kim Murphy, Jim Turner, Beth Hutchison- Watson,Local Law Enforcement: Police- Dave Rodgers; Sherriff: James Metts; Ronnie Lott
For our Denomination and the Fellowship-
PCUSA- esp. Grady Parsons; Jim Singleton of the Fellowship of Presbyterians
For Trinity Presbytery- Danny Murphy, Jim Rowell; Moderator Joanne Scotland
For our Country and Its Leaders-
STATE GOVT: Rep. Walton McLeod; Sen.
Ronnie Cromer; Gov. Niki Haley
US GOVT. Rep.Joe Wilson; Sen. Lindsay Graham, Sen. Tim Scott
SUPREME COURT- Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1993), Clarence Thomas (1991), Stephen Breyer (1994), Antonia Scalia (1986), John Roberts (2005), Anthony Kennedy (1988), Sonia Sotomayor (2009), Elana Kagan (2010)
PRESIDENT Barak Obama; Vice President: Joe Biden; Sec of State: John Kerry
See this blog for more information on why we should pray for those over us.
US GOVT. Rep.Joe Wilson; Sen. Lindsay Graham, Sen. Tim Scott
SUPREME COURT- Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1993), Clarence Thomas (1991), Stephen Breyer (1994), Antonia Scalia (1986), John Roberts (2005), Anthony Kennedy (1988), Sonia Sotomayor (2009), Elana Kagan (2010)
PRESIDENT Barak Obama; Vice President: Joe Biden; Sec of State: John Kerry
See this blog for more information on why we should pray for those over us.
Prayer for Children and Youth
Prayers for children and youth and the new building.
Pray for our children- again using the pictorial directory.
Pray for our children’s Sunday School Teachers and
youth group advisors.
Nursery Workers: Bennett Brown, Jennifer Williams, Kelly Shaffer; Preschool- Gail Comalander, Mandy Harrington, Janet Graham; Kindergarten- Elinor Harris, Liz Knott, Farrah Brown, Merideth Strawhorn; 1st & 2nd Grade- Susan Adams, Beth Burnett and Blaine Burnett; 3rd- 4th- Debbie Ferguson; 5th- 7th Pam Harrell; 8th Tracie Stewart; Sr. High Megan;
Youth Advisors: JJs- Manyd Harrington, Amy Stebbins, Carri Tucker; Ann Summers; Middlers- Longs, Berrys, Donahues; Sr. Highs- Meg Senn, Tom Hattaway, Robin Melvin, Edwards
Pray for our youth as they face temptations to turn away from God and parents. Pray for them to be strong witnesses among their friends and schools; Pray for our youth as a new high school and middle school separates and adds both excitement and stress to our youth group. Pray for the Presbytery Middler Retreat.
Pray for Jane Jermac, Megan McMillan, our preschool.
Pray for our new Children’s Ministry Building-
especially the bank loan approval and the bidding process.
Pray for decisions that we make on the architecture, scope of our programs and decision making on the new building.
Pray for decisions that we make on the architecture, scope of our programs and decision making on the new building.
Pray for patience during the construction period and wisdom to do the very best we can to care for our children during
this period.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
10-28-13- Pray for Each Other
"Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ." (Galatians 6:2)
Pray for each other that you may be healed (James 5:16)
Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. Be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people. (Ephesians 6:18)
Video of the Pumpkin Prayer
Prayers for the sorrows, joys, and challenges those in our church and community face
Those who have cancer: Especially Hanes McEntire,
Shirley Salisbury, Phil Trefsgar, Joe David, Kay Sloan, Jan Overstreet.
Those who are grieving: Roland Lavigne family; Sue Madden
family; Bob Gjerstsen family; Jonathan McNaughton family; Those who recently lost mothers- Pat O’Cain, Julie Bickley, Julia Belk
Pray for Mary Margaret and Nils Shirley just married 10/14.
Pray for Tinsley McCrary and Eric Ponder to be married 12/14.
Pray for George Webb and Billie to be married 12-28.
Landy Higginbotham and continued tests and possible heart surgery in a few months.
The 21 homeless students in Cbapin and their families and what we are to do about this.
Here is a piece speaking of the need to intercede in the church: (10/28 post).
Prayer Labyrinth at LMPC
Saturday, October 26, 2013
10/27/13- Pray for LMPC and its leaders
2 Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. 3 And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. 4 Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. (Colossians 4:2-4)
16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other (James 5:16)
Prayer Helps:
1) Take the new pictorial directory and pray through it- looking at the faces and family members.
1) Take the new pictorial directory and pray through it- looking at the faces and family members.
Or you may take the new Telephone Directory that is in your stewardship
2) Pray for your officers- elders
and deacons- they are found in the front of your telephone directory or online:
3) Pray for your pastors: Tracie,
Ben, Bo
4) Pray for the Associate Pastor
Nominating Committee
5) Pray for church staff- Sherri
Lindler, Laura Mars, Mandy McCathern, Walter Cuttino, Sara Beardsley, Janet Roberts
Friday, October 25, 2013
10/25/13- Praying Our Own Prayers
A Month in Prayer
Praying Our Prayers
23 “‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.”24 Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” (Mark 9:23,24)
We are almost at the end of our month-long
focus on prayer.
It is our prayer you have gained much from this experience.
Prayer is extremely important.
It does change things. Here are a few examples.
Several studies have found a connection between prayer and healing. Patient who were prayed for had better outcomes than those who had no prayers on their behalf. This proved true even when the patients did not know that prayers were said on their behalf.
Patients from the San Francisco General Medical Center were randomly divided into placebo and test groups. Patients in the test group were prayed for by Christians; the placebo group received no prayer. There were no statistical differences between the placebo and the prayer groups before prayer was initiated. The results demonstrated that patients who were prayed for suffered "less congestive heart failure, required less diuretic and antibiotic therapy,
had fewer episodes of pneumonia, had fewer cardiac arrests, and were less frequently intubated and ventilated."
(Rich Deem,
Prayer also improves marriages.
There is an often-cited statistic that 50 percent of marriages
end in divorce — even among churchgoers.
But that statistic is misleading.
When studies that distinguish between couples who claim a nominal faith and those who prioritize church attendance and faith, one finds a much lower divorce rate among committed Christians.
Here are a few examples of the role of prayer in sustaining a marriage:
Baylor University did a study that showed a 0-2% “fear of divorce”
for couples that pray together daily.
Gallup did a study in 1991 that showed praying together as a couple is “the most powerful correlate to marital happiness.”
The University of Virginia and Bowling Green State University independently found that regular church attendance cuts the likelihood of divorce by 30 to 35 percent.
When you add prayer into the mix, divorce plummets.
A 1998 survey by the Georgia Family Council found that among couples who prayed together weekly, only 7 percent had seriously considered divorce, compared to 65 percent of those who never prayed together.
Hours of Prayer
Within many Christian faith traditions there is an official set of daily prayers. These prayers consist primarily of psalms supplemented by hymns and Scripture readings. The early Christians continued the Jewish practice of reciting prayers at certain hours of the day or night. The Apostles continued to the Jewish custom of praying at the third, sixth and ninth hours and at midnight (Acts 10:3, 9; 16:25; etc.). Christian prayer in the early church consisted of almost the same elements as Jewish prayer: recital or chanting psalms and reading the Scriptures. By the time of the Roman Empire, the Jews (and early Christians) began to use the Roman system of conducting the business day to schedule their times for prayer. In Roman cities, the bell in the forum rang the beginning of the business day and noted the day's progress by striking again around the hours designated for continued. By 60 AD the oldest known Christian liturgical manual recommended praying the Lord's Prayer three times a day. By the second and third centuries the Church fathers had firmly established regular times of prayer throughout the day.
It is our prayer you have gained much from this experience.
Prayer is extremely important.
It does change things. Here are a few examples.
Several studies have found a connection between prayer and healing. Patient who were prayed for had better outcomes than those who had no prayers on their behalf. This proved true even when the patients did not know that prayers were said on their behalf.
Patients from the San Francisco General Medical Center were randomly divided into placebo and test groups. Patients in the test group were prayed for by Christians; the placebo group received no prayer. There were no statistical differences between the placebo and the prayer groups before prayer was initiated. The results demonstrated that patients who were prayed for suffered "less congestive heart failure, required less diuretic and antibiotic therapy,
had fewer episodes of pneumonia, had fewer cardiac arrests, and were less frequently intubated and ventilated."
(Rich Deem,
Prayer also improves marriages.
There is an often-cited statistic that 50 percent of marriages
end in divorce — even among churchgoers.
But that statistic is misleading.
When studies that distinguish between couples who claim a nominal faith and those who prioritize church attendance and faith, one finds a much lower divorce rate among committed Christians.
Here are a few examples of the role of prayer in sustaining a marriage:
Baylor University did a study that showed a 0-2% “fear of divorce”
for couples that pray together daily.
Gallup did a study in 1991 that showed praying together as a couple is “the most powerful correlate to marital happiness.”
The University of Virginia and Bowling Green State University independently found that regular church attendance cuts the likelihood of divorce by 30 to 35 percent.
When you add prayer into the mix, divorce plummets.
A 1998 survey by the Georgia Family Council found that among couples who prayed together weekly, only 7 percent had seriously considered divorce, compared to 65 percent of those who never prayed together.
Hours of Prayer
Within many Christian faith traditions there is an official set of daily prayers. These prayers consist primarily of psalms supplemented by hymns and Scripture readings. The early Christians continued the Jewish practice of reciting prayers at certain hours of the day or night. The Apostles continued to the Jewish custom of praying at the third, sixth and ninth hours and at midnight (Acts 10:3, 9; 16:25; etc.). Christian prayer in the early church consisted of almost the same elements as Jewish prayer: recital or chanting psalms and reading the Scriptures. By the time of the Roman Empire, the Jews (and early Christians) began to use the Roman system of conducting the business day to schedule their times for prayer. In Roman cities, the bell in the forum rang the beginning of the business day and noted the day's progress by striking again around the hours designated for continued. By 60 AD the oldest known Christian liturgical manual recommended praying the Lord's Prayer three times a day. By the second and third centuries the Church fathers had firmly established regular times of prayer throughout the day.
Hours of Prayer
By the third century, the Desert Fathers (the earliest monks),
began to live out Paul's command to "pray without ceasing.”
One group of monks would pray one fixed-hour prayer
while having another group pray the next prayer
so that prayer would occur continually.
Over time as Christian monastic communities developed in both the East and West, longer prayers were used.
The cycle of prayer became the norm of daily life in monasteries.
By the fourth century, the characteristics of the canonical hours more or less took their present shape. Secular (non-monastic) clergymen and lay people also prayed shorter prayers at fixed hours.
Bede’s Rule further codified these prayers and the hours of prayer grew more elaborate until the Reformation.
After the Reformation, the Catholic Church simplified these prayers and Lutherans and Anglicans continued to use modified versions of praying the hours.
Reformed people embraced this ancient tradition during the last century’s liturgical renewal movement though modifying it.
By the third century, the Desert Fathers (the earliest monks),
began to live out Paul's command to "pray without ceasing.”
One group of monks would pray one fixed-hour prayer
while having another group pray the next prayer
so that prayer would occur continually.
Over time as Christian monastic communities developed in both the East and West, longer prayers were used.
The cycle of prayer became the norm of daily life in monasteries.
By the fourth century, the characteristics of the canonical hours more or less took their present shape. Secular (non-monastic) clergymen and lay people also prayed shorter prayers at fixed hours.
Bede’s Rule further codified these prayers and the hours of prayer grew more elaborate until the Reformation.
After the Reformation, the Catholic Church simplified these prayers and Lutherans and Anglicans continued to use modified versions of praying the hours.
Reformed people embraced this ancient tradition during the last century’s liturgical renewal movement though modifying it.
This week there are no set prayers.
We will make suggestions about things for which to pray,
but you will create your own prayers each day.
Bring your prayers and share them at our prayer walk
this Saturday.
Also use them during theprayer vigil
we are holding Saturday 11/2.
Pray Ya’ll!!
Thursday, October 24, 2013
10/25/13- More Modern Prayers
A Month in Prayer
Praying the Prayers of the Reformers
October 25
"This is how you should pray...Forgive us Our Debts as We forgive our debtors." Mt. 6:12
Reformation Day Tree Video
Reformation Day Tree Video
John Wesley (1703-1791)
Forgive them all, O Lord:
Our sins of omission and our sins of commission;
The sins of our youth and the sins of our riper years;
The sins of our souls and the sins of our bodies;
Our secret and our more open sins;
Our sins of ignorance and surprise;
And our more deliberate and presumptuous sins;
The sins we have done to please ourselves;
And the sins we have done to please others;
The sins we know and remember;
And the sins we have forgotten;
The sins we have striven to hide from others;
And the sins by which we have made others offend....
Forgive them, O Lord,
forgive them all for HIS sake
Who died for our sins
And rose for our justification,
And now stands at YOUR RIGHT HAND
To make intercession for us,
Jesus Christ our Savior!
Amen Amen Amen!!!
John Wesley (1703-1791) was an Anglican cleric and Christian theologian. He is largely credited, along with his brother Charles Wesley, as founding the Methodist movement. Methodism stressed personal piety and used itinerant preachers who travelled widely to evangelize and preached often in open spaces to those who would not otherwise come to church. Under Wesley's direction, Methodists became leaders in many social issues of the day including prison reform and abolition. Throughout his life Wesley remained within the Established Church and insisted that his movement was well within the bounds of the Anglican tradition. At the age of five, Wesley was rescued from his father’s burning rectory. This escape made a deep impression on his mind and he regarded himself as providentially set apart, a "brand plucked from the burning" (Zechariah 3:2). After being ordained, he and his brother both traveled to Savannah, Georgia with George Whitfield to work among the colonists and Native Americans. It was on the voyage to the colonies that the Wesleys came into contact with Moravian who influenced them with their deep faith and piety. Returning to England after a troubled time in America, Wesley’s life changed on May 24, 1738 a Moravian meeting on Aldersgate Street, London. He heard a reading of Martin Luther's preface to Romans, and "I felt my heart strangely warmed.” The rest of his life Wesley preached wherever he could, formed Methodist, societies, opened chapels, examined and commissioned preachers, administered aid charities, superintended schools and orphanages, and received at least £20,000 for his publications but gave most of it away. He travelled usually on horseback, preaching two or three times each day. It was recorded that he "rode 250,000 miles, gave away 30,000 pounds ... and preached more than 40,000 sermons.” Wesley married at the age of 48, but the union was not happy and produced no children. When his wife left him after fifteen years, Wesley wrote in his journal, "I did not forsake her, I did not dismiss her, I will not recall her." Toward the end of his life he was widely respected and referred to as "the best loved man in England.” When he died at the age of 87, Wesley’s last words were "The best of all is God is with us.”
Sojourner Truth (c. 1797 – 1883)
Oh, God,
you know I have no money,
but you can make the people do for me,
and you must make the people do for me.
I will never give you peace till you do, God.

Sojourner Truth (c. 1797 – 1883) is the self-given name after 1843 of an African-American abolitionist and women's rights activist. She was born in New York, and was sold at the age of nine at an auction with a flock of sheep for $100. She was owned by four people some of whom treated her very harshly including daily beatings with a bundle of rods. Around 1815, Truth met and fell in love with a slave named Robert from a neighboring farm. Robert's owner forbade the relationship, and Robert was savagely beaten. He died from those injuries. Truth was forced to marry an older slave named Thomas. She bore him five children. Late in 1826, Truth escaped to freedom with her infant daughter, Sophia. She had to leave her other children behind She found her way to the home of Isaac and Maria Van Wagener, who took her and her baby in. Isaac offered to buy her services from her owner for the remainder of the year until the state's emancipation took effect for $20.00. Truth learned that her son Peter, then five years old, had been sold illegally by her former owner to an owner in Alabama. With the help of the Van Wageners, she took the issue to court and, after months of legal proceedings, got back her son, who had been abused by his new owner. Truth was one of the first black women to go to court against a white man and win the case. She had a life-changing religious experience during her stay with the Van Wageners and became a devout Christian. "The Spirit calls me, and I must go," she said. Truth became a Methodist and preaching about the abolition of slavery, women's rights, prison reform, and against capital punishment. More than 3,000 people crowded into the Battle Creek Tabernacle to pay their last respects to the black heroine when she died. In 2009 Truth was first black woman honored with a bust in the US Capitol and in 1997 NASA named the Mars Pathfinder's robotic rover "Sojourner" after her.

Karl Barth (1886-1968)
Lord, our God,
you know who we are:
People with good and bad consciences;
satisfied and dissatisfied,
sure and unsure people;
Christians out of conviction
and Christians out of habit;
believers, half-believers, and unbelievers…
But now we all stand before you:
in all our inequality equal in this,
that we are all in the wrong before you
and among each other…
but also in that your grace is promised to
and turned toward all of us
through your beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
Karl Barth (1886-1968) was a Swiss Reformed theologian and professor of theology. Both the most
prolific and influential theologian of the twentieth century, his thought
emphasized the sovereignty of God, the sinfulness of humanity, and the "infinite qualitative distinction between God and mankind was professor of theology. While teaching in Germany, Barth became a
leader in the Confessing Church which actively opposed Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime. The Confessing Church sought to prevent the
Nazis from taking over the existing church and establishing a state church controlled by the regime. This struggle culminated in Barth's authorship
of the Barmen Declaration, which fiercely criticized Christians who supported the Nazis. The Barmen Declaration is in our PCUSA Book
of Confessions. Barth had to leave
Germany in 1935 after he refused to swear allegiance to Adolf Hitler and went back to Switzerland and became a professor in Basel. Barth’s systematic theology, Church
Dogmatics, runs to over six million words and 8,000 pages in
English. It is over 9,000 in German making it one of the longest works of
systematic theology ever written.
Barth’s influence expanded well beyond the academic realm to mainstream
culture, leading him to be featured on the cover of Time on April 20, 1962.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
10/24/13- Prayers of the Reformers
A Month in Prayer Praying the Prayers of the Reformers October 24
"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9) Youtube invitation to pray for SunUp Service

Most merciful God,
we confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed,
by what we have done, and by what we have left undone.
We have not loved you with our whole heart;
we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.
We are truly sorry and we humbly repent.
For the sake of your Son Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and forgive us;
that we may delight in your will,
and walk in your ways,
to the glory of your Name.

Jeanne d‘ Albret (1528-1572)
O God, my Father,
deliver me from this body of death
and from the miseries of this life,
that I may commit
no further offenses against Thee
and that I may enjoy the felicity
Thou hast promised me.
Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)
Adapted from the first 21 resolutions by Trevin Wax.
Lord God Almighty,
I understand that I am unable to do anything without your help,
so I ask you to enable me by your grace to fulfill your will.
Give me grace to do whatever brings most glory and honor to you,
pleasure and profit to me, and life and love to others.
Help me to number my days, spending my time wisely,
living my life with all my might while I still have breath.
Humble me in the knowledge that I am chief of sinners;
when I hear of the sins of others,
help me to not look upon them with pride,
but to look upon myself with shame,
confessing my own sins to you.
Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)
Adapted from the first 21 resolutions by Trevin Wax.
When I go through difficulties and trials,
remind me of the pains of hell
from which you have already delivered me.
Place people in my path who need my help,
and give me a compassionate and generous spirit.
Fill my heart with such love
that I would never do anything out of a spirit of revenge,
nor lose my temper with those around me.
Hold my tongue when I am tempted to speak evil of others.
Thank you for the gospel and for the hope of glory.
Help me to live in light of these truths every day of my life,
so that when the time of my death arrives,
I will rest assuredly in you,
and you will be most glorified in me.
In Christ’s name…Amen.
Thomas Cranmer (1489 –1556) was a leader of the English
Reformation and Archbishop
of Canterbury during the reigns of Henry VIII and Edward VI. He helped
build the case for the annulment of Henry's first marriage to Catherine of
Aragon, paved the way for him to marry his second wife, Anne Boleyn, and saw
Henry through his next four marriages. Cranmer supported the principle of Royal Supremacy which made the king was sovereign over the Church within
his realm and ended official papal authority in England. During Cranmer's
tenure as Archbishop of Canterbury, he was responsible for establishing the
first doctrinal and liturgical structures of the reformed Church of England. Under Henry's rule, Cranmer did not make
many radical changes in the Church, as Henry was basically a Roman Catholic in
his theology and worship (aside from papal authority) and power struggles
between religious conservatives and reformers. However, he succeeded in
publishing the first official English worship service. When Edward, Heny’s
young and passionately Protestant son, came to the throne, Cranmer was able to
promote major reforms. He wrote and compiled the first two editions of the Book
of Common Prayer, a complete liturgy for the English Church. Cranmer
developed new doctrinal standards for the Eucharist, clerical celibacy, the role of images in places of worship, and the veneration of saints. After
Edward’s death in his teens and the accession of the Roman Catholic Mary I, Cranmer was put on trial for treason and heresy. Imprisoned for over two years and under pressure from
Church authorities, he made several recantations and apparently reconciled himself with the Roman
Catholic Church after being promised his life. Mary however refused to show
mercy to the man who had enabled her father to forsake her beloved mother and
declare her illegitimate. On the day of
his execution, Cranmer renounced the recantations that he had written or signed
with his own hand and stated his hand would be punished by being burnt
first. As the flames drew around him, he
fulfilled his promise by placing his right hand into the heart of the fire
while saying "that unworthy hand" and his dying words were,
"Lord Jesus, receive my spirit... I see the heavens open and Jesus
standing at the right hand of God.” Thus, Cranmer died a Protestant martyr.
Jeanne d‘
Albret (1528-1572) was the queen regnant of Navarre (now part of France) and after her husband’s
death she ruled as Protestant. Jeanne
was the acknowledged spiritual and political leader of the French Huguenot movement and a key figure in the French
Wars of Religion. Jeanne was influenced by her mother who exposed her to humanist thinking and predisposed her to religious
reform. This legacy was influential in her decision to convert to Calvinism. Her husband
however remained a staunch Roman Catholic. He ordered her to recant her
Protestant faith and when Jeanne refused, he issued orders to have her arrested
and sent to Paris where she would subsequently be sent to a Roman Catholic
convent. She eluded her captors, and soon afterwards her husband was killed in
battle leaving Jeanne to believe and rule as she pleased. Jeanne declared Calvinism the official religion of her kingdom after publicly
embracing the teachings of John Calvin on Christmas Day 1560. This public conversion made her
the highest-ranking Protestant in France. Navarre became a safe haven for
Protestant refugees facing severe persecution. She commissioned the translation
of the New Testament into Basque and Béarnese for the benefit of her subjects. In addition to her religious reforms, Jeanne
reorganized her kingdoms and made long-lasting reforms to the economic and
judicial systems. She used her own
jewelry as security to obtain a loan from Queen
Elizabeth I of England to support the Protestants in the Wars of Religion and
often accompanied her general Admiral de
Coligny to the battlefield during intense fighting to inspect the defenses and
rally the Huguenot forces. Jeanne also established a religious seminary. She died shortly after negotiating the
marriage of her son, Henry to the Roman Catholic sister of the French king. The
two would marry in exchange for concessions to the Protestant. Her death may
have been a great mercy as the wedding provided the pretense for a horrific
killing of Protestants, the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre. Much later her
beloved son would convert to Roman Catholicism in exchange for the throne of
France saying “Paris is worth a mass.”
Henry IV founded the Bourbon line of French kings. This prayer is from
her deathbed.
Edwards (1703-1758), a preacher and theologian, is widely
acknowledged to be America's most important and original philosophical
theologian and one of the greatest intellectuals America has ever produced. His
work is rooted in Reformed
theology, and the Puritan heritage. Edwards also played a critical role
in shaping the First Great
Awakening, and oversaw some of the first revivals in 1733–35 at his church in Northampton, Massachusetts. Despite his brilliance he was dismissed from his
congregation over disagreements. Throughout his life Edwards often went into
the woods as a favorite place to pray and worship in the beauty and solace of
nature as he viewed the natural world as evidence of God's masterful design. Edwards was
married to Sarah Pierpont and they had eleven children. The Edwards opened
their home to those in need on a regular basis. Edwards died from a smallpox
inoculation shortly after beginning the presidency at the College of New
Jersey (Princeton). He was hoping to demonstrate the safety of the vaccine especially to the
Native Americans with whom he ministered.
He was the grandfather of Aaron Burr, the third Vice President of the United States, who
killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel.
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